When detailing how tie rods connect to the retaining wall it is important to consider the effect of fill settlement upon the tie bar and any installation tolerances that may occur. Anker Schroeder recommend that where possible all tie bar connections have the capability to articulate, particularly those to the structure.

Tie Bar Connections to Sheet Pile

Forces are transferred from the sheet pile to the anchor bar through waling sections that run the length of the wall. At the front wall these are normally placed behind the wall (i.e. earth side) and at the anchor wall the non-bearing side.

Steel Z-pile with spherical nut (articulated)

Steel U-pile with spherical nut (articulated)

Tie Rod Connections to high modulus piles

Anchor forces are generally high and articulated connections are recommended to minimize bending at the connection. Articulation can be provided that allows movement in the vertical direction or in all directions.

Tie Rod to Steel tube pile (articulated)

Tie Rod Connections to concrete Walls

Alignment between the front wall and anchor wall connection points is critical. Simple articulated tie bar connections allow easy casting into the wall without difficult interruption to formwork and allow easy tie bar connection once the wall has cured. Articulated joints are strongly recommended to aid installation. Tie bar connections available are the same as for steel tubes above.

HZ-M-pile connections (articulated)

Marine Project References

Dublin Port

ASDO have supplied 160 tonnes of upset forged tie rods, M140/115 and M120/115. ASDO460 which were up to 29m long with full articulation at connections to piles and…

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